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December 14, 2005



Very nice. And lovely photo.

patry Francis

What an amazing quote. Something I never really thought before, but immediately recognized as truth.


you always find the most pure quotes....many blessings

la vie en rose

i love the idea of the death of a loved on pressing us more deeply into life. that's good!

Enid Yvette

Yes! This quote really resonates with me. I've lost people over the years but perhaps the most crushing was my dad's passing on Christmas Eve five years ago. This year is the first year that I didn't fall apart. I have more Christmas spirit and can honestly say that I'm happier. I think a lot about the things he didn't get to do and it makes me strive more for the things that I had once deemed either unattainable or impossible. My mother always says that life is not a dress rehearsal. I'm finally getting that I have to live my life in these terms. It's the show. Either you can roll with the punches and act along or you can get off the stage.

liz elayne

love the picture with the shadow of the photographer...and the quote is amazing. Thank you for sharing them both.


Beautiful quote.



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