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February 24, 2006



my favourite painting of yours so far-absolutely e v o c a t i v e,
l o v e l y, a m a z i n g !
you really have something here.


so, so true.

what a beautiful pensive girlie she is.


Your girl with bluebird is amazing.

Angela Giles Klocke

I've been trying to select more of the strange lately. It's fun! Love your art :)


I so needed to read this quote tonight. Glad I came across your page!

liz elayne

oh i love her little dress...and the bird in her hair.
thank you for sharing the wonderful quote as well...




But what's NOT unknown?

Angela Rockett

Along those lines, I came across this quote:

"In every instant, two gates. One opens to fragrant paradise, one to hell. Mostly, we go through neither." - Jane Hirshfield.

la vie en rose

i know it's true but god it's hard.


wow. she looks so soft and peaceful today.

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