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September 17, 2007



oh, those walks sound so healing! thanks for pointing out the zencast. that last line you shared about forgiveness really touched me. (((hugs)))


Thank you so much for that post! You give me such hope and inspiration to live an authentic life.


I hear you so well on this point. I read Susannah's comment as well and you know what? I can't help thinking about how we, i.e. women who ask too much of themselves, women of unrelenting standards, are going to blow ourselves and the world away once we all learn this lesson. Let go a little bit more and let our goodness flow gently and easily. Enjoy those walks! Wish I could join you.


I hear you. It seems my stranglehold on my own life, demanding only the very best at all times, may have taken a little too long to overcome under normal circumstances so I led myself to Afghanistan. Here, I couldn't pick one day when I measure up to the standards I once thought were invioable. I too now miss deadlines, and hand over papers that I once would have never allowed to see the light of day, I drop balls and fail over and over again and - lo and behold - through it all I am still making a positive difference. I am still doing a good job. I miss yoga sessions and haven't been for a run in three months, I eat what I can get which is sometimes the kind of food I would never have allowed past my lips in a past life. Yet, my health is good, my body has not collapsed or transformed into an unrecognisable blob. You are so right - doing the good things for ourselves is important. But for me nothing is more important than letting go a little bit. Letting go of my unrelenting standards and of my expectations of myself and others. I'm also off to find Zencast. Thanks!


Christine, I thank you, too. It takes guts to do what you're doing -- across the board. Congratulations! :-)


Thank you for this post. I spent this morning walking and I wondered why I don't do it more often. I love the feel of the wind on my face and the ability to notice things I never see when driving.
I appreciate the reminder to take good care of myself as well as the encouragement to relax. I remain, striving for balance.


two words that keep swirling around my head are 'perfectly imperfect'... i am learning how to let go of my perfectionist tendencies and, my god, it's a hard lesson! this post was something i needed to read today - thank you... off to go investigate Zencast..

ps i thought your article was fab :-)


Thank you for this! I'm longing for those moments of release (and forgiveness) and reading this makes me feel that some day it might be possible in my life.

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