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February 21, 2008




i have been a fan of your work for years,
and it is really interesting to hear your creative process.

your pictures alone inspired me!
i would love to do art with you someday...

mccabe xx


That excerpt is perfect for me today, following a difficult week. It's a constant struggle for me to love me enough to be me... so thank you for this post:)


I'd have to click back a few arrows to figure out how I got to this post. It's my first time here. I love your writing. It amazes me how we are guided to certain words when we need to read them most. Thank you for being part of my world today.


(sometimes my creativity bites me in the leg like a snake that was hiding in sage brush)


the quiet, before what will happen next... I love the peak into your studio and the gentle disorder and work happening, on a rainy day in february. And the inviting your demons to tea: perfect!


you know i love those words. delilah blue ate my book before i had a chance to finish it. so guess who is going to the bookstore saturday...yippie....

i don't know why, but i really teared up reading this post. it is so silly, but i wish i were in california. green sounds so good right now.

i love all the comments left, we all need to believe this and live this.


this quote hits home with me...thank you for sharing. and as always your post is something I needed to read today. xoxo


what a beautiful post. i could relate to much of it. xox


"My strongest frequency must be a direct line to my own heart" - I couldn't have said my own thoughts better. I'm over here, miles away, following the same frequency from a different heart - but one which is tuned in to your station as well. x

Mayberry Magpie

Christine, this is such a beautiful post. Your words move me to explore my own heart. You can read it, Haunting my heart, at


I credited you and I thank you for helping me uncover thoughts just below the surface.

Mayberry Mapgie

boho girl

oh my...that quote just rocks my world. i had read it before but it has all new meaning to me now. thank you...

i have such full and lovely feelings about where you are at. its peaceful and knowing and patient and inspired. watching it all unfold is an honor.

seeing your creative energy sprawled out on your studio floor is a gift and gives me goosebumps.

loving you.

Ms. Conley

Your ARE a GODDESS - above all! Never forget it. Hope you are thinking about the BIG piece I need. It's all you.....create, create, create!!!


the peaceful music reminds me of where you are right now at this minute...xx


beautifully written and on point as always for me. i love the peek into your creating and that i can spot your paints in rainbow order:)

liz elayne

thank you for sharing where you are...for sharing you...

and, as often happens when i visit you, your words are exactly the reminder i need...the whisper that says, "you are on your path..."
(thank you)


You are nurturing your Goddess energy and it makes my heart glad. You inspire with your forthright sharing and help confirm all the other Goddesses that visit your world, they have the right to nurture themselves too. When one woman truly dances to her own tune, it allows others to do the same. Yes, "dance instructor" is another label, but it fits you well. :)

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