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July 28, 2009



will you think it's weird when you come over next time and I have this photo framed and hanging on my wall??? CUTEST COUPLE IN THE WORLD! Love you two!


Sweet Christine, you are what you are, as a result of what you have experienced. And what you are, is what you have to offer others, in your writing and otherwise. Not only the hurtful experiences, the pain, fear or whatever. But also the light, the joy, the going onward. You are NOT defined by only the darkness that may be in your past, but also by the light, then and today. Everything about is valid and serious and worth sharing.

Jill Nalette

ahh, beautifully writen. i hope to spend sometime together at squam.
Be well and let in all the joy your heart can carry!!!
Love, Hugs and Smiles,
[email protected]


This is a very interesting discussion.

Why do we feel the need to hold onto those old painful stories? To expose the heart of it? To bleed onto the page.

I know for a long time that's what I did. I wanted to hold onto the pain. I wanted to let it out so it didn't have a hold on me. But then, I think also, I was afraid to let it go. When I wrote about my childhood traumas, they were mine. I could explore them. I could understand them. I could examine them like a bug under a glass-- one that was still kicking on that pin.

And then came a day when I was just tired of dredging through the dirt. And I stopped.

I just let it go.

Let me tell you, those painful memories have faded since then. I am no longer actively reliving those hard times. They still make me who I am, but they are distant and fuzzy.

I think I was afraid I would lose the memories. I was afraid the pain wouldn't be real.

Now that I have pretty much lost the memory and let the pain become just a shadow... I can move on. I'm still me, and the pain I had is just as valid as when I was living it, it's just not torturing me anymore.


...i too am dealing with letting go (and for me, forgiveness...) thank you for sharing your heart...


Joy serves too!


will be back to read more, but until then, just had to say I LOVE this photo xoxo


I think you've turned a very big corner. It takes courage to let go of your story and move into the light but it's a much more fun place to live!


ahhh...you had me at hello...you are truly swell, girlface. whatever darkness there is/was has served you well to create the light & wonderful person you are. Linda


well here's the thing-- you are one of the FUNNIEST-- naturally funny-- people I have ever met. So, I love this sea change-- and, I'm all about the stories that make me laugh-- as my Nana would say, "don't take me to any dramas, if it's not a comedy, I'm not interested--" BRING ON THE FUNNY, sistah!


What a fun picture!

I got married a month ago - my second marriage - and was a little nervous about being haunted by past hurts in the midst of it all. When I decided to let go of the past and give myself to the present I was overwhelmed by the Love that surrounded me that day. Love from my new husband, our families, our friends and even our neighbours. I opened myself to joy and it found me. It feels good doesn't it? :)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts here Christine.

Graciel @ Evenstar Art

it's that last paragraph..the one that gives me permission to let it all go and be fully present in the beauty of my here and now. i thank you a hundred times for that last paragraph.

Grace Moore

i feel like i write the same thing over and over again here.
so, one more time - thank you.

doorways traveler

it is all in the choosing, the letting go, and the the letting in, isn't it?
i adore your voice.

james holtzclaw

dear Mrs. Miller
I know this maybe unprofessional to do this on the the comment section but i do not know where else to go with this request. I know you are an established writer but i would like to ask a favor for my wife. She has a blog and loves to write. Her writing greatly impresses me in the way in which she expresses herself. Sad to say a few weeks ago she was rear-ended and its hard to type. So she has been asking friends to guest blog on her site so as to keep it active. Now i know you are a busy but if you could find time to guest blog for her it would make her extremely happy. She is a great admirer of yours. I don't have the site to her blog but her email address is [email protected] thank you regardless
james holtzclaw

Barbara Israel

Thanks for this post. I needed to hear these words today. I love your writing, honesty AND art and I'm looking forward to your next book.


like you say....."today: Begin"

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