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October 01, 2009


Amy --- Just A Titch

Wow. I've never been to Squam (hopefully next year!); however, I've been to my own blog meetup, and I think this attitude is so pervasive---that there are "circles" and such. I would urge people to bear in mind that if you're looking to create a community, that YOU can be a catalyst for that. If you see people feeling lonely or fearful, reach out. Be that person that others feel safe connecting to. Try to get to know the people you perceive as "in the community". You may find more than you thought you would, or you may wind up with something even better than you expected.

P.S. LOVE that print.


Leisa Hammett

Thank you. Beautiful post. Found on Twitter. I'm RT'ing. And: So. True. I dont' look at you all as something exclusive, rather great women going for life with passion and gusto! I admire it and draw inspiration from it.

Mary Beth Shaw

Wonderful post that addresses an issue I have heard other folks mention. Of course I am so daft that I did not even sense the 'inside group' until someone pointed it out to me. Duh. Honestly the existence (or not) of such a group is simply a reflection of each person's individual reality. I hope this makes sense, I know what I am trying to say, ya know?
My first half hour (or so) at SAW, I felt like a kid whose parents had dumped her at camp. Then I met my roomies and made an effort to put myself out there....and realized it was all going to be fine.
Your advice is excellent!


This is a wonderful post! I'm one of those who at Squam last year felt like there was a secret club involved and I hadn't been invited to join. But, after attending this year, I realize most people are just more outgoing than I am and make friends easier or faster than I do. Squam is such a unique experience it is hard to explain to anyone who has not been there. It takes me a good two weeks to come back to the real world, and I miss it and my new found friends still.

Kristen Fischer

i'm so proud of you that you venture out there. such an inspiration. i've been venturing in my own ways, but hope one day to do something with a creative group of gals like you have. xoxoxo


So beautifully written... I completely identified with this post. Last year I took off for Squam pretty scared. A long drive by myself to stay in a cabin with 8 other ladies I'd never met for 5 days. But literally within about 5 minutes of walking into my cabin, I started to bond with these complete strangers. In the following days, there was no room in my heart anymore for fear. Squam was like being immersed in love, support and creativity. For me, it was probably the first time I'd ever really escaped my inner critic. I kind of wish I hadn't wasted all the effort worrying about going to Squam.
Thanks for this post... it's nice to be reminded that we're all in the same boat.

Laura Taylor Mark

Hi Christine, new to your blog, not your work though, LOVE it & that plaque - you have a shining soul my dear

I so wanted to get to Squam this year after hearing so many good things about it, the setting alone would have me swooning :> Anyhow, you've touched on a good subject, I believe many have felt/feel like that person who confided in you. It's only human to want to fit in, be accepted into a group and made to feel welcome in new situations, especially ones where your heart & soul lie. Your post reminded me of this quote:

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt

How we THINK others are going to view us can be a positive or negative mindset, we have a choice. Add to that, our perceptions of people or situations can make or break an experience for us.

Thanks for this today. I choose to ask for more and expect less...

Michelle Shopped

met you at your table during the art show, wished i could have chatted a bit, and i wish i'd bought your book, one of your wee plaques, and well...i am still mostly on the other side looking in but i have to say after meeting you, you weren't too scary ;)
your sentiments written here totally resonated with me...


love the art plaque!


it's good to be reminded that other people aren't putting the same amount of energy into thinking about me that i am. ....thank you!!


it certainly begins with how you are and feel inside:


You are a truly wise one...thank you for this candid and heart-felt post


Your posts rock. Truly. Thank you!


this post is perfect christine. i too was once someone who thought there was a certain mystique to the online creative community, but i am learning more and more that we are all just regular people chasing our dreams and trying not to go it alone. it is all about being brave and true and putting yourself out there. that's often pretty scary (and maybe why a lot of creative folks don't ever take that leap; they stay on the outide looking in). what they don't realize yet is that they are standing outside of thier own dreams. maybe it feels like an exclusive club from that perspective, but it think i have learned it is about diving into your own heart... there you will find the connections waiting for you. xo


I love these posts you are sharing. and the comments are great to read too!


It's like anywhere in life ... how you react to others is almost always a reflection of how you feel about yourself. If you don't feel so good in your own life/skin, then you are more likely to feel jealous and envious of others, whether it's just one person or a group. Some people react by leaving nasty anonymous comments, others by feeling insecure. If, on the other hand, you are pretty ok with who and where you are in your life, well, then the generosity of your spirit knows no bounds and you are pretty happy for them, or with them. I guess many of us are somewhere in between the two.

Marisa's comment reminded me of a famous quote, but I cannot remember by whom!? It's so true though, isn't it? If anything, we tend to think more about what others think of us than what we think of them!

This was a very thoughtful post. Kxo

Jennifer White

An interesting perspective and spin on how people view not only situations, but one another...thank you for sharing your thoughts!


I have to say I've been there and I've been on both sides and now I can also say I've been to Squam after feeling so much anxiety and worries and I have to tell everyone it's the most supportive place I've been a part of ~ truly magical and beautiful. xoxoxo


I've already said "Thank you for the lesson" to myself 7 times today. Thank you for adding it to my life.


i truly love your heartfelt and honest words !
I loved squam last year and was not able to attend it this year and I believe that art retreats are what you make of them and that keeping your expectations low is one of the best pieces of advice you gave...thank you for being you and being open and honest !


I think this is something inherent to how women socialize--the fear of not being accepted into a group of seemingly established friends. Thanks for speaking to the issue.
I have wondered if there is a central group of you, I guess it doesn't really matter...

Kate Iredale

Beautiful art, beautiful spirit!

Fear of not belonging, not being good enough or not being loved are fears most of us have to overcome at some point in our lives. As Marianne Williamson says "Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you."

SAW sounds wonderful...thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic Christine.


Well, I must be honest here and admit that I, too, always thought that all y'all knew each other & flew to each other's homes to visit, and while maybe not BFFs, just part of the "first generation" of art bloggers. It makes me laugh to write that, but it's truly how I think of many of you, and I mean that in a positive way. Part of the idea, I'm sure, comes from seeing the same names in magazines and reading blogs where you talk about each other - I just had this fantasy that the art blogging "explosion" took off when so many of you were at the same point in your lives, and, as Sherry noted, relationships formed, etc., etc., etc.

I think you have nothing to prove or disprove - like you said, people will believe what they want to believe. I love reading everyone's accounts of SAW, everyone's different aspects (that sounds redundant, but you know what I mean! - LOL!).

I'm loving me this post. :)


Love your art work and all the links to goodies you post every week. Thanks for the give-away!

kathryn hansen

love to hear all about Squam, can hardly wait to attend! Your art is beautiful...i LOVE that piece great saying!

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