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February 25, 2010



and you say it in a staccatto kind of way, "hey" short, to the point and so very very bossy (in such a good way), you boss those inanimate objects around better than anyone I know... xo


i just read something a few days ago that remarked on how many of us tell inanimate objects to "stay!" when they are about to fall. love the bit about the egg, too!

eric gabriel

Hey.. just wanted to say it load...


I use it often myself


you DO love a good HEY!


I saw a video on Ingrid's blog (mypeacetree.blogspot.com). It was made by DancingMermaid. At the end of the video a quote showed up: At any given moment you have the power to say: this is not how the story is going to end. - Christine Mason Miller
These words made a huge impact on me, so I want to thank you for those very right words.

(And I love your blog by the way, will step by more often!)


I miss you and your "hey's".

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