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March 12, 2010


Rebecca in Switzerland

Oh my goodness... fabulous list!

I just posted that poem about doors I was asking you about... it's Adrienne Rich, not Mary Oliver.

I exclaimed, "Holy Mother of Schwarma" yesterday as we drove through a neighborhood we fell in love with (just outside Zurich). It didn't have the same effect at all with just my husband in the car. Thought of all of you...

Michelle Shopped

that bedouin camp just went on my mondo beyondo...


I am so in need of your inspiring thoughts right now! I am honored to call you my friend. And, you are a dork. [:o)


Love that five things list so much. Off to check out your cards...xo

Tara Bradford

I think we were so busy I forgot to tell you again how much I love your new cards. They are fabulous. As for Jordan, so many things to love about that country. There's also a rally at the Dead Sea on April 1.


Enjoyed the 5 things, drooled a little and LOVE the new cards!

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