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April 12, 2010



this is the kind of wisdom i so wish had been given to me when i was a girl.

but it wasn't

so i shall give it to myself now.

you are such a treasure.


What incredibly wise words. Things we all need to remember about ourselves. How beautiful of you to tell this darling girl these things.


lovely, wise words. thank you!


Beautifully said. I hope this world is able to accept, understand, and appreciate everything my daughter will give to it. She makes me proud...and I, in turn, push myself to be a better Father. Thanks Christine.


so very lovely! these are words for every girl: big and little.

Tara Bradford

Wise words and she IS a beautiful girl! xo

Jill nalette

this is a blessing to read before i start my day. you have such a beautiful heart!!!
BIG hugs and smiles~ jill

p.s. i wish i had read this when i was growing up


Yes! Printing this off to share with both of my beautiful girls. Thanks Christine! You are my guru. xo

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