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April 27, 2010



wicked! what an amazing looking place! love that book/typewriter stack. so pleased your travels are fabulous (but then, why wouldn't they be?!)


Please give my love to my home town! Haven't been there in years - but it is the only city in the world for me. Although I did love Amsterdam, but...

Marisa and Creative Thursday

Berlin! one Germany city I am not at all familiar with. Great to see glimpses of it here and one day soon I hope to see it in person. Feels much more "big city" versus German.

Cori Berg

Love the bubble shot and the stack of books the best.. so cool!


Wonderful post Christine!

Tara Bradford

Loved this account of your time thus far in Berlin; you're certainly making the most of your visit. And I think following unexpected delights encountered along the way are the most intriguing ways to explore. Love the bubbles pic - can't wait to see more of your photos. (Hmmm, the paparazzi must not be able to keep up with you!) :) xo


Love black licorice with passion. There was an old school candy store in Torrance that had a whole wall of licorice and even made their own black licorice ice cream...but they closed last year. Looks like I have to go to Berlin now.


oh I remember our days wandering around with our big backpacks and stumbling upon sites! I would love to do that again but this time leaving the luggage in a nice hotel! Loving your stories and pictures! xoxo

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