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April 21, 2010


Pippin Schupbach

Nothing like a little AC/DC to take the edge off traffic.


AH yes, this album was sooo good. How could it not be? Sometimes you just have to rock out. xoxo


Not strange at all (well, that is, unless we're both strange:). The second concert I ever went to was ACDC and I was about 16 - 1980 or so. I don't remember a lot about the concert but of course I remember what I wore - black spandex pants (I think spandex was required for entry), a purple and black striped top and BIG hair. Went with my best friend and her bf and he had a Dodge Charger that was loud, fast, and jacked up in the back. We head banged to Back in Black all the way to the concert and for months after. I still love the album too but have to minimize the head-banging as it makes me dizzy now. lol. Thanks for sharing and helping me remember such fun teenage times. Rock on!


Back in Black is one of the greats!!
When we're in the car with the iPod on shuffle and an AC/DC song comes on we totally rock our little middleaged heads off...

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