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April 29, 2010


Michelle Shopped

i don't believe percy is a coincidence but rather intentional -- mary knows her poets including one of my favorites named edna...hoping to catch up with her on her daily jaunt to the p.o. later on this week when i'm down her way (mary, not edna)... ;)

ditto the other comments on tales of a female nomad -- she's awesome and inspiring!


thank you thank you thank you for this--

LOVED every bit of it from the lanterns in the trees-- gorgeous photo-- to the lines from M.O. . . wowza-- got me in the kissah with this one . .

rachel awes

i have come across your beautiful self in a couple different website settings & have always appreciated each "meeting". today i saw you in artful blogging/how lovely is your dear friendship with marianne! & gorgeous photos (i so wonder if that last one with the green trim is your home. it looks like such a home of heart).
i too LOVE mary oliver & heard her speak once in mn & have a bunch of her books...
soooooo many i hold dearly.
& that white butterfly amsterdam photo in your post below/so intriguing sparkly pretty!
mostly, wishing you beautiful wings to continue to send you to all your gorgeous destinations (inside & outside) of your one & beautiful life. x

Heather Plett

Have you read "Tales of a Female Nomad"? I read it recently and fell in love. I like to refer to myself as a "happy wanderer" and much of that wandering I do alone, so I resonated with this post.

I love, love, LOVE that Mary Oliver poem. I quoted it on my blog after you linked to it a while ago (I think on Twitter).

Tara Bradford

Love Mary Oliver's poetry, especially The Journey. I've often traveled alone; sometimes it's been quite wonderful; other times a bit challenging. But each journey has taught me something about myself: about my strengths and weaknesses and the choices I make, rightly or wrongly - there's always a lesson.

And I think that last line was the perfect ending to your post! :)


Thank you for sharing Mary Oliver with me. The Journey is a poem I will look to again and again.


Karen Maezen Miller

The funny thing is we already do wander all over the world indefinitely, and do it alone. No one knows where they are headed. We are homeless in our very own homes, and it is the journey of a lifetime. Realize that, and you can rest anywhere you choose.

Marianne @ Zen Peacekeeping

Yes. It still scares me a little to sit still with the truth that at some level we are all walking alone, and then I remember that I'm not separate from you anyway. That as I walk alone I'm also walking with all beings and that even when we are alone we are together.


Rebecca in Switzerland

Oh. My. Goodness. Sorry I left you alone these three days and had to be here doing stuff... but goodness gracious how we are alike. I, too, have wandered alone through Tivoli with similar thoughts. And I treasure you reading that poem to me in Petra. What a moment, what a day! Thank you.


Yes. Her poem stuns me, I often travel alone but as I was reading you, I wondered if you had read this woman's book: http://www.ritagoldengelman.com/

Travel safe.


We only have control over own thoughts. So therefore, we can only ever save ourselves. Beautiful poem, touching post. Thank you.


and an amen to that sister... amen to that... xo


There is something freeing in the thought that someday I will set out walking and keep walking until I get there...


this is a beautifully, beautifully written post...I am thinking of your authentic and poetic words...wondering where they will be carried like dandelion seeds into the future...planting into other's hearts so they may know their truth more fully.
{love the photos, too — so appreciate the chance to armchair travel through your lens — just downloaded Hipstamatic for my iPhone}
enjoy the rest!
love and light!


"the notion that someday I might wander all over the world indefinitely, and might very well do that alone." I've been thinking about this alot lately...maybe I am just meant to wander through this life alone. Or maybe its just that we can only truly rely on ourselves. I don't know but it has been on my mind. Of course you write about things that are what I need to read at any given moment. I love you! Safe travels home...xoxo

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