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May 20, 2010


Nursing tank

what an inspiring and lovely story is this, i wish you all the best with your partner, congratulations and good luck!

Tara Bradford

I love it when serendipity has a hand in meetings that matter. So glad you had a wonderful time and brought home memories and new friendships. I am just back from one of your favourite cities (A'dam), where the weather was perfect and the experiences rich. xo

Mary Beth

what a wonderful story. just love it. :-)


what a gorgeous story! So when are you inviting Tina and Kenneth over for dinner?

Kate Courageous

I love it when magical nights like this happen! This happened again and again in Italy (and, at your recommendation, with Leo...)

You're totally making me crave a run down to Big Sur...

Marisa and Creative Thursday

welcome home Lady! what a wonderful story. Such cool things happen when we travel, don't they? It's like we are open in a whole new way. Sean and I are just trying to keep the openness going as we settle back into home. Not so easy, but we are insisting.


so good. so beautiful. thank you for opening up to all of us and sharing this beauty and goodness . .

Karen Maezen Miller

Love heaven. Love stick. Love you.

Carmen Torbus

What a sweet story... I love those magical connections that you know were meant to be. so cool that you had several on this trip.

Emily Perry

big sur is magical, and it draws magical people to it! what a great story!


OH I love this Swirly! These moments of meeting souls on their journeys can be so incredibly uplifting and enlivening... MISSING YOU! XOXO


wow, that's totally cool that you met them like that. i could feel myself nodding when you got to the part about not wanting to dare say goodbye without getting contact details. one of my best girlfriends was met by a chance encounter in a foreign country when we both went to the same seminar.

so happy for you


I love to hear stories about yours and L's fateful dinner meetings :) This exchange sounds magical, especially when you wrote how long the couple have been together. Titanic, I tell you. Love!


Maybe this is yet another example of the cycles we pass through. Times when we need to be inwardly focused, in retreat. Tines when we are open to the world, hearts in our eyes.

Either way, it's a delight to read your account of new friendship and to know that you - my dear friend - have been having some time in a place that you love so much.


how special. i love that reminder that friends can appear in all kinds of "unexpected places." so happy that you had a restoring and magical trip!

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