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May 03, 2010



I can so relate to this need for home and for routine and familiarity. When Kirk and I were on our honeymoon in Paris, we visited the cafe around the corner from our hotel almost every day, we hung in another cafe on the Champs Elysees with our books and journals almost every afternoon, and we reveled in the same restaurant's delicious risotto at least twice (if not three times). I like to get to know a place, I guess, when I travel, rather than rushing here and there to see the big sights without truly being present to a place. Fun to learn there are similarities between you and me in this.

Tara Bradford

Oh yes, always a joy to travel, but a relief to return home. Am off to Amsterdam later this month.

Marianne @ Zen Peacekeeping

At home in the routines, that where I find it. x


welcome home, swirlicious one!

Karen Maezen Miller

Home at last, every time we turn.


Welcome Home! This time I got to be the Vicarious traveler and the trip seemed like a whirlwind to me. Way to short!

I'm glad you are happy to be home. It's good when we feel comfortable away and at home!


Well then, welcome home!


Oh I so get this. It took me a long time to realize how I loved my home and really didn't 'need' to get away from it. I've done, and still do, a LOT of traveling in my life and enjoy it but the pull of home, as you say, is just as strong.


2 sides to everything, makes us all the very faceted people we are... I love that... and so glad you're home... the coast feels all balanced and right again... xo


A dream came true for me last summer when my family and I vacationed in England for a week... I missed being home so much but in the airport on the way back, I so desparately wanted the memories and sensations of my journey to extend forever! Thanks for sharing your great stories and photos from your awesome trip :)

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