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May 27, 2010



I love love love this!


there is so much magic to be found in space and time combined. I love what you have started there on your floor and am a big fan of your art. I have been following your 100 books project for a while now and realized i have never made my presence known. here i am. love it love it love it. you inspire me to push my creative limits. :)


So happy for you!! Looks incredible! xo

Tara Bradford

Bravo! So pleased for you. xo


aaaaawwwwwwesssoooomme! - stage direction: {sung like an opera singer}


I see some good stuff there, lady.

Also: Do you have a pair of skates I can borrow?


so exciting! i love the idea of not having to clean up and just jump in where you left off the day before!

Pia f. Walker

So there, in that place....I stumbled on an artist collective this weekend and made an appointment to check out their empty studios today. Right now I don't truly know how I would use the studio to its fullest. All I know is that I need to be there...to create (without the limits of cleaning up or having to work in an area that has multiple uses).

I hope your summer time in this studio fulfills all your limitless aspirations :)

heather bleasdell

yeah christine... joy is the best medicine!

Andrea B.

Ah yes, the freedom to make a mess and leave it... (sigh) So glad you're having so much fun and making pur-dee things too :D


beautiful! it must be so nice to make a mess! such magic happens when you don't have to be careful...i miss that.

Kate Courageous

Oh, it looks SO fun! ;-)

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