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June 07, 2010


Tara Bradford

Saw a pic of you on Jen Gray's video. Looked as though you were having fun! As for the moving between two worlds bit, it's not as easy as we tell ourselves, I think.


yes. yes. yes and yes.


missed you!


Your post reminds me of my first flight into Los Angeles. It was around midnight during the summer. The smog was very thick and it was orange. The contrast of the orange, glowing smog against the charcoal gray of the night sky was so eerie. It gave me a sense of spooky adventure.

(found your blog via The Altered Page Book Guild 9 blog, your book being recommended by Lani Gerity Glanville)

Marisa and Creative Thursday

"There is always a certain discomfort I go through in those moments between one place and another, and every transition has its own unique flavor." So true. Experiencing this very feeling today, coupled with exhaustion because of that lovely 3 hour delay. And now my promise to rest today, must be fulfilled :) Momma needs a NAP!

The Equestrian Vagabond

curious and unnerving, exciting, not knowing what to expect, but up for an adventure. I know exactly how you feel!

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