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July 12, 2010


Nursing cover

Great creation!looks awesome...i like that art.

doorways traveler

just catching up here. stirred up in this pot right along with you. can't wait to read the rest of your brew.


Karen Maezen Miller

I have much to say about this topic as well, so I'm not surprised to see it surface here. I think we will see it surfacing everywhere before we know it, as the truth spills (nay, gushes) out from the cracks in the earth. I console myself by remembering that the world in front of me, the sky, the ground, the wind, the way, is boundless and real. And that the online world appears to be big and real but it is actually tiny and unreal. That settles the unrest right quick.


I know you've been working with this question for a while now and I'm interested to see where you end up - because I know it'll be exactly the right place for you and your art - for now. xx


Hey Christine, I just wanted to say that this latest studio creation took my breath away!
It sure seems like a crazy world right now, but you are making beautiful art, enjoy it all, the "stuff" will take care of itself.


i quit facebook because it was a(nother) thing sucking the life out of me.

and i am not so keen on the premise that unless you are online building your brand and presence all the f'ing time you aren't working hard enough to make social media work for you either.

yes, i have made some A.MAZ.ING. friends via the internet (that i likely wouldn't have found otherwise), and yes some opportunities have presented themselves to me that wouldn't have also. and yes, the internet (and people i know) have also helped the words in a little poetry book take flight, however...

there is something to be said for visiting a friend IN PERSON and settling in for a really good catchup over wine. or going offline to smile at the sun, play with my husband or simply go for a walk.

i doubt whether you could EVER fade into oblivion and i vote that if it feels true and right for you - do it. if it doesn't, then don't if the only reason that you are is because 'someone else' on teh internets says it must be so. but you know this already, right? right.

eagerly awaiting pt. 2


Sounds as if you're in a transition...and they are wonderful, since they are a bridge to a new place! Just put one foot in front of the other, no worries....


you will never lose my attention. take the time you need for yourself. do for you, not what you think others expect of you. all will be waiting for you...happy creating! ciao!

jill nalette

take it easy, christine!! not everything has to be done in one day.
xo and smiles~ jill

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