Today, I would like you, dear readers, to know these Five Things ~
1. I don't usually respond directly to comments left on this blog, but I read every single one of them, and they always make me smile. I am still kind of in awe of the fact that people take time out of their day to read this blog, and I appreciate the extra time and effort it takes to enter your information and type in those comments.
2. I think I've finally moved on from my teeter-totter love/hate angsty relationship with blogging and social media, and now I'm simply enjoying it. Only took me five years!
3. Every once in a while I wonder why I feel an almost compulsive desire to be constantly creating and sharing, but then I think about all of the incredibly kind words people have shared with me here, on their own blogs, over email, and in person and I immediately stop wondering.
4. I don't think I have any special answers or magic formulas, I just try to tell the truth. Maybe I spend too much time trying to examine every angle of whatever topic it is I'm fixated on, but I appreciate so much that I never feel like I am maneuvering through these explorations alone. I share these internal journeys here, and I am grateful that you have been willing to listen and share your own perspectives.
5. Without you, there would be no art shows, no workshops, no storytelling, no blog, no books, and no reason to do much of anything. Without you, I'm toast.
In other words, to say I feel grateful doesn't quite cut it. I feel blessed and held, seen and heard. I hope in some small way I have done the same for you.