Dear Amsterdam...I have been here only just over 24 hours and what can I say? I'm already madly in love with you! OK, so maybe I lucked out with beautiful weather, and I'm also here on a weekend, but still, I cannot help but gush.
Our hotel is close to the Red Light District, so from there we have taken our time walking to the Anne Frank House, the Flower Market and, today, the Van Gogh Museum. There are people everywhere - cafes are full, narrow streets are crowded, bicycles are whizzing by, and the canals have oodles of boats filled with revelers of all kinds.
The atmosphere is friendly in a whoop-it-up-let's-party kind of way, and as I stroll around I find it hard to believe I didn't make it here on the two big backpacking trips I took to Europe right afte college. Then again, I might have had a little bit too much fun had I been here in my early 20s, so perhaps it was for the best.
In any case, I'm in love with you now, and I'm so grateful to have shared this time with you. Tomorrow I am on flight number two of the five I'll be taking on this trip - headed to Berlin - but please know I will be leaving with a smile on my face.
Yours forever, Christine